Keller Williams Elevate - Rebecca Flohr

Medina Ohio Real Estate: A sellers paradise

Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re a seller in today’s real estate market, you’re in for quite an interesting ride. Let’s dive into the data and explore the correlation between some key real estate metrics that will surely keep you engaged and interested.

1. Months Supply of Inventory: The Magic Number - 1.43

First up, we have the “Months Supply of Inventory,” which currently stands at a low 1.43. What does this mean for you as a seller? Well, it indicates that there is a limited number of homes available for buyers to choose from. In simpler terms, demand is high, and supply is low. This scarcity can work to your advantage, as it often leads to increased competition among buyers, potentially driving up the prices of your property.

2. 12-Month Change in Months of Inventory: The Balancing Act - Up by 18.18%

Now, let’s take a look at the “12-Month Change in Months of Inventory,” which shows a significant increase of 18.18%. Don’t let this number alarm you! This rise in inventory reflects a healthy market shift towards a more balanced supply and demand. While it may seem like more homes flooding the market could lead to increased competition, it actually provides buyers with more options, potentially attracting more potential buyers to consider your property.

3. Median Days Homes are On the Market: The Blink-and-You’ll-Miss-It Statistic - Just 6 Days

Moving on, we come to the “Median Days Homes are On the Market,” a mere 6 days. Yes, you heard it right, only 6 days! This statistic is music to the ears of any seller. It means that homes are selling like hotcakes, and buyers are eager to snatch up properties quickly. With such a short time on the market, you can expect a swift selling process, reducing the stress and uncertainty that often comes with a prolonged listing period.

4. List to Sold Price Percentage: The Sweet 101.3%

Next, we have the “List to Sold Price Percentage,” which currently stands at an impressive 101.3%. This figure represents the ratio between the original listing price and the final sold price. A percentage above 100% indicates that homes are often fetching prices higher than their initial asking prices. As a seller, this means you have the potential to walk away with a little extra in your pocket, thanks to the strong demand and limited supply.

5. Median Sold Price: The Healthy $355,000

Finally, we come to the “Median Sold Price,” which is currently sitting at a healthy $355,000. This figure represents the midpoint value of all the homes sold in a given area. While the median price may vary depending on your specific market, it serves as a helpful indicator of the overall health and stability of the real estate market. And with a median sold price of $355,000, you can feel confident that your property’s value aligns with the current market trends.

In conclusion, dear sellers, the correlation between these real estate metrics paints a highly favorable picture for you. With limited inventory, increased competition, and homes selling at prices higher than their initial listings, this is undoubtedly a seller’s market. So, seize the opportunity, set a competitive asking price, and get ready for a quick and profitable sale. Happy selling! Medina, Ohio is the place to be for sellers in today’s real estate market. Don’t miss out on the incredible opportunities this thriving market has to offer.

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